Student Services
Student Services is dedicated to providing a safe and inclusive environment that builds positive relationships to promote quality learning and student wellbeing whilst empowering students in making informed choices for a better future. This encompasses our core values of Respect, Responsibility and Tolerance.
At Narrogin Senior High School we understand the link between mental health, the well-being of our students, their academic achievement and subsequent life experiences.
Our student’s ability to relate to their peers, control their emotional responses, respond to conflict appropriately and seek help when required, will directly impact on their ability to engage in the learning process. To be successful students, we need to develop individuals with high levels of emotional competence.
The Health and Well-Being Team 2025
Student Services Manager – Maxine Clark
Year 7 Coordinator – Sarah Lachman
Year 8 Coordinator – Leanne Inglis
Year 9 Coordinator – TBA
Year 10 Coordinator – Jamie Perry
Year 11 Coordinator -TBA
Year 12 Coordinator – Ellie Sheridan
AIEOs – Janice Kickett & Chad Kickett
School Nurse – Elizabeth Francis
School Psychologist – Yvette Le Tessier
Learning Support – Evelyn Wilkie
Student Events Coordinator – TBA
Pastoral Care
All members of the Health and Well-Being Team use Restorative Justice Practices when dealing with the students in their care. Restorative practice builds the capacity of our students to form quality social relationships. It fosters good decision making and a greater sense of belonging to the Narrogin Senior High School Community.
At Narrogin Senior High School, our Advocacy program provides continuity of care for all students. Advocacy classes are attended every morning and allow teachers to monitor students’ progress and develop a sense of community in our school.
Year Coordinators
Year Coordinators assist in monitoring your child’s academic, social, emotional and behavioural progress. They develop programs for the whole year group and provide personalised support, when necessary, for individual students. Year Coordinators liaise with the Health and Well-Being Manager and refer students to other members of the Health and Well-Being Team.
The Year Coordinator is the first person parents should contact to pass on information about: changing circumstances in the home that may significantly affect your child, changes in your child’s medical condition, a noticeable change in the rate of your child’s progress or in their behaviour, long absences and concerns about performance in the classroom. Form teachers will, as necessary, pass information on to the relevant Year Leader and/or other members of the Health and Well-Being Team.
AIEOs work with Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander students in the classroom to support their academic progress. They act as mentors and provide appropriate guidance by assisting students to be prepared for class, be in class on time, attend school activities like assemblies, year meetings and carnivals and provide encouragement, role modelling and general support. They liaise with parents, teachers and students to develop students’ educational, social and emotional skills.
School Nurse
The School Nurse is available to monitor the overall physical health of students at Narrogin Senior High School. This involves facilitating immunisation programs, creating health plans (in conjunction with other medical practitioners) and assisting students to manage chronic health conditions. Parents need to regularly update the School Nurse to keep them informed of student’s health needs.
School Psychologist
The School Psychologist is available (by appointment) for consultation with students and parents. The psychologist assists with developing the resiliency of students. The five skills of resilience are: helpful and positive thinking, resourcefulness, understanding emotions, relationship skills and self-understanding.
School psychologists also assess students with special needs. They provide support for students and advise teachers of how best to modify or extend learning programs to cater for students’ individual requirements.
Learning Support Coordinator
The Learning Support Coordinator assists students and teachers to meet the educational needs of students with diagnosed learning disabilities and specific learning difficulties.
Student Events Coordinator
The Student Events Coordinator liaises with Year Coordinators, students, parents and teaching staff to plan major school activities like the School Ball, Assemblies, the Prefect Camp, Year 12 Farewell Dinner and the Year 12 Presentation Evening.
Student Services Manager
The Health and Well-Being Manager consults with members of the Health and Well-Being Team on student welfare issues and coordinates the counselling of individual students. They work extensively with local community agencies and oversee referrals to these agencies when required. The Health and Well-Being Manager works in conjunction with the Year Coordinators to develop a range of programs suited to the needs of each year level.