Narrogin Senior High School will be holding a Merit Assembly for Years 7 – 9 on Tuesday 17 May commencing at 10.20am and concluding at 11.13am. Parents and Caregivers are welcome to attend.
Narrogin Senior High School will be holding a Merit Assembly for Years 10 – 12 on Tuesday 17 May commencing at 11.36am and concluding at 12.21pm. Parents and Caregivers are welcome to attend.
We will be having a School Development Day on Tuesday 7 June, students are not to attend school on this day.
The Sports Academy Cup will be held on Friday 10 June at the Narrogin Leisure Centre and Hockey Turf from 8.45am to 1pm. Permission notes will go home to in week 6.
Parents have an important role to play in preventing and reducing their children’s risk of harm from drug use. As part of the national and state strategy to address methamphetamine and other drug use behaviour, the Department of Education and SDERA will offer a Talking Drugs information session for parents.
A 90 minute evening session will be held in Narrogin on Tuesday 21 June. To register and for more details for this event, go to
Students from Narrogin Senior High School will be representing our school at Country Week in Perth. We will be represented in the following sports;
Basketball- boys and girls teams
Hockey – boys and girls teams
Soccer – boys and girls teams
Speech and Debate
All are welcome to attend.